Advice Surgeries

Our financial advice surgeries deliver personalised one to one advice in the workplace, and they cover important work related and personal financial issues.

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Regular surveys of UK employees show that money worries are the single biggest cause of stress and disruption in the workplace. This is damaging to business as it often leads to staff sickness, poor engagement and personal underperformance.

Our financial advice surgeries are designed to address this, as they deliver personalised one to one advice where it is needed. They cover all the main financial planning areas which will generally focus on personal finances and company specific benefits such company pension, death in service etc.

Communication helps to maintain a good relationship between employer and employee. Good relationships improve productivity, quality and maintain a stable long-term workforce. Most employees have access to benefits that they have little understanding of. In addition, there are times, that due to restructuring, changes to those benefits are required and these changes need to be sensitively communicated.

We can help with any of your communication needs regarding the financial benefits you provide to your employees. We do this by holding onsite or offsite surgeries which provide personal and employer related advice and guidance to those who attend, and we encourage dialogue and engagement with workers to help them plan well for their financial future and the future of their loved ones.

We understand and respect that most employers will want to offer surgeries to employees where the content and advice is mainly restricted to work related benefits. It is also understood that most surgeries will involve employees taking time away from their duties which the employer will want to keep to a minimum whilst still being sympathetic to the needs of the individual.

To avoid employees taking up surgery time to discuss non-work-related financial advice issues i.e., wholly personal finances, we produce an agenda which outlines the surgery subjects to be covered with a clear instruction that non-work-related financial advice can only be given offsite and, in the employees, own time.

Risk Warning: The value of your investments and any income you take from them can go down as well as up, and you may get back less than you invested. You should also note that past performance is not a reliable guide for future performance.

 94% of UK employees admit to worrying about money and, of these, 77% say that money worries impact them at work.


Close Brothers Survey 2019
Nearly 7 in 10 UK employers believe staff performance is negatively affected when employees are under financial pressure.


Neyber Survey-69% UK Employers 2018
4.2 million worker days each year are lost in absences because of a lack of financial wellbeing. That’s the equivalent of £626 million in lost output.


Business Research Centre 2018
Employers who demonstrate their commitment to supporting financial wellbeing can make a much-valued difference to their workforce. Even employers with a limited budget can do their bit with a simple policy that lets their workforce know where and how to get help.
CIPD 2022
Workplace financial advice is an employee benefit in its own right.  It shows that you care about the financial wellbeing of your employees by providing them with the time to talk with a trusted financial adviser in the workplace. 


See - Workplace Financial Advice
See - Where Independence Counts
Prism Financial Advice Limited - A Member of the North East England Chamber of Commerce.

Get in Touch - 0191 461 9400

          Independent Financial Advice, Tailored - Clear - Effective
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